Hey everyone! Excited to do this for the first time. From time to time I have had folks on Twitter ask me to either publish recipes for things I've cooked or specifically have a newsletter to expand on my numerous terrible hot takes in longer-than-160-char format.Whether joking or not, I have decided to oblige!If you don't know me well you can usually find me around the internet as @heyJTK, but my name is JT. I'm currently a Senior Backend Software Engineer by day and by night I'm hiking, drinking bourbon, hanging out with my pets, or inventing recipes.This newsletter will probably be a monthly or semi-monthly thing, where I plan to have various sections for what I'm reading/watching, there will be some recipes for food and cocktails, and occasionally a little career advice. After this first issue, I also want to start having a featured section for job-seeking developers to get exposure. The sections may change week to week depending on what's on my mind.So that's it! Let's go.
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JTK says - Issue #1
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Hey everyone! Excited to do this for the first time. From time to time I have had folks on Twitter ask me to either publish recipes for things I've cooked or specifically have a newsletter to expand on my numerous terrible hot takes in longer-than-160-char format.Whether joking or not, I have decided to oblige!If you don't know me well you can usually find me around the internet as @heyJTK, but my name is JT. I'm currently a Senior Backend Software Engineer by day and by night I'm hiking, drinking bourbon, hanging out with my pets, or inventing recipes.This newsletter will probably be a monthly or semi-monthly thing, where I plan to have various sections for what I'm reading/watching, there will be some recipes for food and cocktails, and occasionally a little career advice. After this first issue, I also want to start having a featured section for job-seeking developers to get exposure. The sections may change week to week depending on what's on my mind.So that's it! Let's go.